Camp Scott
Camp Scott opened as a Girl Scout Camp in 1928. It is located in the Cookson Hills a few miles south of Locust Grove. Although close to the town of Locust Grove, Oklahoma, the camp and the area surrounding it is a world away. The property for the camp was donated by the Scott family.
Camp Scott was operated by the Magic Empire Council of Girl Scouts headquartered in Tulsa. The Magic Empire Council covered a six-county area including Tulsa, Mayes, Rogers, Payne, Creek, and Osage counties, with most of the girls coming from the Tulsa metro area. The camp housed both Girl Scouts and Brownies and they also accepted non-scouts.
The girls in attendance at Camp Scott could be anywhere from second grade through seniors in high school. Boating, hiking, camping, and fishing along with numerous outdoor activities along with arts and crafts were offered.
Camp Scott covered 410 acres that had been chopped out of the wilderness and was a checkerboard of permanent wooden tent floors set a few feet off the ground. It offered facilities for one hundred and forty children and a staff of thirty counselors.
The camp was divided into ten units named after Indian tribes. The counselors were older girls, sixteen to twenty-five, usually from Oklahoma; some, however, were from elsewhere such as the deep South up to the Pacific Northwest.
After the murders on June 13th, 1977 Camp Scott was closed and never the Girl Scouts never reopened it. The property was eventually sold off to a local family.
Text above adapted from: Wilkerson, Dick; Wilkerson, Michael: "Someone Cry for the Children" New York, Berkley Books, 1981, page 3. Print.
Camp Scott Brochure from 1946 - Click picture to open.
1971 photo in the Kiowa Unit of the fated Tent #8
1976 photo from the Kiowa Unit at Camp Scott
Another 1976 photo from Camp Scott -
Time and exact location is unknown.
Camp Scott gate being locked shut after law enforcement moved their investigation headquarters off site.